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现行 CSA N289.4:22
Testing procedures for seismic qualification of nuclear power plant structures, systems, and components 核电厂结构、系统和部件抗震鉴定试验程序
发布日期: 2022-02-01
序言这是CSA N289的第三版。核电站结构、系统和部件抗震鉴定试验程序。它取代了2012年和1986年出版的前两个版本。本版本的主要变化包括:a)本标准的结构进行了重组,以合并以下主题的所有子条款:买方范围、测试实验室范围、测试方法和文件。b) 详细阐述了验证与脆弱性测试的区别,并提供了增强的指导,以消除任何歧义。c) 对所需反应谱、试验反应谱、所需输入运动和表格输入运动之间的差异进行了更多解释。d) 阐述了与地震测试期间发现的异常处理相关的要求。e) 地震试验前的地震老化要求与国际惯例一致。 f) 阐述了静态侧载作为试验方法之一的应用。g) 附录F通过澄清几个方面进行了改进,例如asi)宣誓书被工程师证书取代;ii)为A类和B类阀门引入单独的表格;iii)与其他阀门分离的安全阀;iv)地震鉴定可用方法的综合清单;v) 明确侧载试验的使用;和vi)关于硬安装和线安装组件的明确性,包括这些术语的定义。h) 以前的附件D和E已合并为一个附件(现为附件D)。CSA N289系列标准中的标准是针对加拿大与核设施有关的公用事业和行业认识到核电厂核结构、系统和部件(SSC)的抗震设计和鉴定需要一致的标准而制定的。 本标准的使用者应认识到,只有在加拿大核安全委员会(CNSC)或具有管辖权的适当机构(加拿大以外的国家)采用本标准时,本标准才具有法律效力。本标准旨在为通过测试制定抗震鉴定规范提供依据,并帮助买方、供应商、,以及测试实验室选择适当的测试方法,以执行可接受的抗震鉴定测试,其质量和标准符合符合加拿大核安全理念所需的安全原则。CSA N289系列由五个独立的标准组成。每个标准的一些目标总结如下:a)N289。1-18《核电厂抗震设计和鉴定的一般要求》提供了基于核安全考虑确定需要抗震鉴定的结构和系统的指南; b) N289。2:21,核电厂抗震鉴定的地震动测定,确定特定场地的适当地震动参数;c) N289。3:20《核电厂抗震鉴定设计程序》提供了设计要求、标准和分析方法:i)确定分析中使用的设计反应谱和地震动时程;ii)为需要抗震鉴定的结构、系统和组件(SSC)以及支架制定设计标准;Andii)进行地震分析,包括土壤-结构相互作用的影响;d) N289。4:22《核电厂结构、系统和部件抗震鉴定试验程序》规定了通过试验方法对特定部件和系统进行抗震鉴定的设计要求和方法; ande)N289。5-12,《核反应堆和核设施的地震仪器要求》规定了地震仪器的要求,以及地震事件前后结构和系统的地震相关检查的要求。CSA N系列标准为核设施和活动的管理提供了一套相互关联的要求。CSA N286为管理层提供全面指导,以制定和实施健全的管理实践和控制措施,而CSA集团的其他核标准则提供支持管理体系的技术要求和指导。本标准与CSA N286一致,不重复CSA N286的一般要求;然而,它可以为这些需求提供更具体的指导。本标准的使用者应注意,加拿大核设施的设计、制造、施工、调试、运行和退役应遵守《核安全与控制法》及其法规的规定。 因此,加拿大核安全委员会(CNSC)可以对本标准中规定的要求施加附加要求。范围1。1需要抗震鉴定的结构、系统和部件本标准定义了通过试验进行抗震鉴定的过程和要求,并提出了可用于核电厂结构、系统和部件(SSC)抗震鉴定的试验方法和相关内容(如适用)。通过测试进行抗震鉴定通常用于SSC,这些SSC将同时执行主动功能,并且需要在地震事件期间或之后改变状态,以执行安全功能,同时根据CSA N289保持结构和/或压力边界完整性或B类地震。1.第5.2.5.2条。地震测试可以识别地震激励期间电气和仪控部件中的接触颤振或未经授权的接触状态变化。 注:1)CSA N289第5.3条。1规定了可接受的地震鉴定方法,包括通过分析、测试或其组合进行鉴定,以及通过相似性进行鉴定,具体取决于SSC的性质和复杂性。2) 一些机械和电气部件本身具有抗震性能(见CSA N289.1第5.3.1.5条或本标准第D.6条),无需进行测试以证明其抗震能力。3) CSA N289中定义了地震类别。1、第5.条规范制定本标准旨在为通过测试或分析与测试的组合制定SSC抗震鉴定规范提供依据,并帮助部件采购商、供应商和测试实验室选择适当的测试方法来执行抗震鉴定测试。 本规范为测试实验室制定测试计划提供了依据。1.3可接受的试验方法本标准介绍了几种可接受的试验方法,旨在允许用户从各种选项中做出明智的选择。在进行此类选择时,本标准的用户应选择最能识别特定SSC特征的测试方法,以及要求其执行功能的地震环境。注:1)应认识到,抗震鉴定只是整个设备鉴定计划的一部分。重要的是,部件的鉴定计划应考虑所有运行荷载和条件(例如,地震、环境、老化影响、热应力和机械应力、变形等),部件必须明显满足其SSC功能目标。 2) 按照IEEE/IEC 60980-344的要求进行的试验,并满足按照CSA N289编写的试验规范。4可被视为可接受。1.4本标准中的术语“应”用于表示要求,即用户为遵守本标准而有义务满足的规定;“应该”用于表示建议或建议但不需要的建议;“可”用于表示一个选项或在标准范围内允许的选项。注释随附条款不包括要求或替代要求;随附条款的注释的目的是将解释性或信息性材料与文本分开。表和图的注释被视为表或图的一部分,可以作为要求编写。附件被指定为规范性(强制性)或信息性(非强制性)- 必须)定义其应用程序。
PrefaceThis is the third edition of CSA N289.4, Testing procedures for seismic qualification of nuclear power plant structures, systems, and components. It supersedes the previous editions published in 2012 and 1986. The major changes to this edition include the following:a) This Standard was re-structured to consolidate all sub-clauses for the following topics: purchaser's scope, testing lab's scope, testing methods, and documentation.b) The distinction of proof vs. fragility testing was elaborated and enhanced guidance was provided to remove any ambiguity.c) More explanation was added on the differences between required response spectrum, test response spectrum, required input motion, and table input motion.d) Requirements related to the disposition of the anomalies found during seismic testing were elaborated.e) The requirements on seismic aging prior to the seismic testing was made consistent with international practice.f) Application of the static side load as one of the methods of testing was elaborated.g) Annex F was improved by clarifying several aspects, such asi) affidavit replaced by engineer's certification;ii) introduction of separate tables for Category A & B valves;iii) relief valves separated from other valves;iv) a comprehensive list of available methods of seismic qualification;v) clarity on use of side load testing; andvi) clarity regarding hard mounted and line mounted components, including definitions of these terms.h) The previous Annexes D and E have been combined into one Annex (now Annex D).Standards in the CSA N289 Series of Standards were initiated in response to the recognition on the part of the utilities and industries concerned with nuclear facilities in Canada of a need for consistent standards for seismic design and qualification of nuclear structures, systems, and components (SSCs) of nuclear power plants. Users of this Standard should recognize that it has the force of law only when adopted by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) or the appropriate authority having jurisdiction (in countries other than Canada).The purpose of this Standard is to provide a basis for the development of specifications for seismic qualification by testing, and to aid purchasers, suppliers, and testing laboratories in selecting the appropriate test method(s) for performing acceptable seismic qualification tests that meet a quality and standard commensurate with the safety principles necessary to comply with the Canadian nuclear safety philosophy. The CSA N289 Series consists of five separate Standards.Some of the objectives of each Standard are summarized as follows:a) N289.1-18, General requirements for seismic design and qualification of nuclear power plants, provides guidelines for identifying structures and systems requiring seismic qualification based on nuclear safety considerations;b) N289.2:21, Ground motion determination for seismic qualification of nuclear power plants, determines the appropriate seismic ground motion parameters for a particular site;c) N289.3:20, Design procedures for seismic qualification of nuclear power plants, provides design requirements, criteria, and methods of analysis for:i) determining the design response spectra and ground motion time-histories to be used in the analysis;ii) establishing design criteria for structures, systems and components (SSCs), and supports that require seismic qualification; andiii) performing seismic analyses, including the effects of the soil-structure-interaction;d) N289.4:22, Testing procedures for seismic qualification of nuclear power plant structures, systems, and components, provides design requirements and methods for seismic qualification of specific components and systems by testing methods; ande) N289.5-12, Seismic instrumentation requirements for nuclear reactors and nuclear facilities, establishes the requirements for seismic instrumentation and for seismic-related inspection of structures and systems before and after a seismic event. The CSA N-Series Standards provide an interlinked set of requirements for the management of nuclear facilities and activities. CSA N286 provides overall direction to management to develop and implement sound management practices and controls, while the other CSA Group nuclear Standards provide technical requirements and guidance that support the management system. This Standard works in harmony with CSA N286 and does not duplicate the generic requirements of CSA N286; however, it can provide more specific direction for those requirements. Users of this Standard are reminded that the design, manufacture, construction, commissioning, operation, and decommissioning of nuclear facilities in Canada are subject to the provisions of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act and its Regulations. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) can therefore impose additional requirements to those specified in this Standard.Scope1.1 Structures, systems, and components requiring seismic qualification This Standard defines the processes and requirements for performing seismic qualification by testing and presents the test methods, and related content as applicable, that may be used for the seismic qualification of the nuclear power plant structures, systems, and components (SSCs). Seismic qualification by testing is typically used for SSCs that will be performing both an active function and that are required to change state during or following a seismic event in order to perform a safety function, while maintaining structural and/or pressure-boundary integrity or seismic category B per CSA N289.1, Clause Seismic testing can identify contact chatter or unauthorized change of state of contact in electrical and I&C components during seismic excitation. Notes: 1) Clause 5.3 of CSA N289.1 specifies acceptable seismic qualification methodologies, including qualification by analysis, testing, or a combination thereof and qualification by similarity, depending on the nature and complexity of the SSC. 2) Some mechanical and electrical components are inherently seismically rugged (see Clause of CSA N289.1 or Clause D.6 of this Standard) and do not need to be tested to demonstrate seismic capability. 3) Seismic categories are defined in CSA N289.1, Clause Specification development This Standard is intended to provide a basis for developing specifications for seismic qualification of SSCs by testing, or by a combination of analysis and testing, and to aid component purchasers, suppliers, and testing laboratories in selecting the appropriate test method(s) for performing a seismic qualification test. The specification provides the basis for the development of the test plan by the testing laboratory.1.3 Acceptable test methods This Standard presents several acceptable test methods with the intent of permitting the user to make a judicious selection from among the various options. In making such a selection, the user of this Standard should choose those test methods that best recognize the characteristics of a particular SSC and the seismic environment under which it is required to perform its function.Notes: 1) It should be recognized that seismic qualification forms only a portion of the overall equipment qualification program. It is important that the qualification program for a component include consideration of all operational loadings and conditions (e.g., seismic, environmental, aging impact, thermal and mechanical stresses, deformation, etc.) for which the component must demonstrably meet its SSC functionality objectives. 2) Tests performed in accordance with the requirements of IEEE/IEC 60980-344 and which satisfy the test specification written as per CSA N289.4 may be considered acceptable.1.4 Terminology In this Standard, "shall" is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the Standard; "should" is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and "may" is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Standard. Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material. Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements. Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application.
发布单位或类别: 加拿大-加拿大标准协会