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现行 WRC 233
Report of Gasket Factor Tests 垫片系数试验报告
本报告介绍了在受控条件下确定垫片系数的探索性实验研究结果。使用专门为此项目开发的测试程序,对几种石棉复合垫片和缠绕垫片进行了测试。考虑的变量包括垫片宽度和厚度、螺栓载荷、内部压力和泄漏率。这些测试是用一对4英寸的老鼠进行的。ANSI B16。5600磅焊接颈法兰,在环境温度下具有理想的法兰表面。 使用氮气和水这两种压力介质来确定气体和液体安全壳垫片系数的差异。这些测试为期两年。指出了m和y系数随泄漏率、垫片宽度、介质压力和垫片初始应力的变化趋势。建立了相应的经验公式。结果以图形和表格形式呈现。结果还表明,所采用的试验程序能够确定控制参数对垫片性能的影响,并在其工作范围内产生可靠的垫片性能数据。 结论是,控制参数之间存在复杂的相互作用,此时建议采用ASME规范的m和y系数为时过早。人们认识到需要一个全面的测试程序来建立和量化观察到的趋势。
This report presents the results of an exploratory experimental investigation to determine gasket factors under controlled conditions. Several asbestos composition gaskets and spiral wound gaskets were tested using a test procedure developed especially for this program. Variables considered were gasket width and thickness, bolt load, internal pressure and leakage rate. The tests were conducted using a pair of 4 in. ANSI B16.5, 600 lb welding neck flanges with ideal flange face surfaces at ambient temperature. Two pressure media, nitrogen and water, were used to determine the difference in gasket factors for gas and for liquid containment. The tests cover a span of two years. Trends observed in m and y factors as a function of leakage rate, gasket width, media pressure, and initial gasket stress are noted. Appropriate empirical equations were developed. Results are presented in both graphical and tabular form. The results also showed that the test procedure utilized is capable of determining the effect of controlling parameters on gasket behavior and yields reliable gasket performance data within its operating range. It is concluded that there exists a complex interaction between the controlling parameters and that recommendations of m and y factors for ASME Code adoption at this time would be premature. The need for a comprehensive test program to build on and quantify the observed trends is recognized.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类
WRC 508
Optimized/Harmonized Room Temperature Leakage Test Procedure for Generation of ASME & CEN Code Gasket Factors - Analytical Phase
API Publ 4703-2001
Gas Fired Boiler-Test Report Site A, Characterization of Fine Particulate Emission Factors and Speciation Profiles from Stationary Petroleum Industry Combustion Sources
燃气锅炉试验报告现场A 固定石油工业燃烧源细颗粒物排放因子和形态分布特征
API Publ 4704-2001
Gas Fired Boiler-Test Report Site B, Characterization of Fine Particulate Emission Factors and Speciation Profiles from Stationary Petroleum Industry Combustion Sources
燃气锅炉试验报告现场B 固定石油工业燃烧源细颗粒物排放因子和形态分布特征
API Publ 4713-2002
Test Report: Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit at a Refinery (Site A), Characterization of Fine Particulate Emission Factors and Speciation Profiles from Stationary Petroleum Industry Combustion Sources
试验报告:炼油厂(现场a)的流化催化裂化装置 固定石油工业燃烧源的细颗粒排放因子和形态分布特征
API Publ 4712-2001
Gas-Fired Steam Generator-Test Report Site C: Characterization of Fine Particulate Emission Factors and Speciation Profiles from Stationary Petroleum Industry Combustion Sources