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现行 ISO 11771:2010
Air quality — Determination of time-averaged mass emissions and emission factors — General approach 空气质素——测定时间平均质量排放量和排放系数——一般方法
发布日期: 2010-12-08
ISO 11771:2010规定了一种通用方法,用于使用通过测量收集的数据,通过使用标准化手动或自动方法,通过同时测量浓度和气体流量来确定和报告特定装置或装置系列(或公共源类型)的时间平均质量排放量,以及测量不确定度的估计;使用质量排放率值时间序列的时间平均质量排放率,其不确定度特征,以及平均值扩展不确定度的确定;特定装置或装置系列的时间平均排放系数及其相关不确定性特征;一种质量管理体系,用于协助库存质量保证和验证过程。 ISO 11771:2010适用于确定固定源的排放系数,包括无法使用燃料和原材料进行计算的工业过程排放、温室气体和空气污染物(包括细颗粒物质)的排放。ISO 11771:2010未涉及排放控制法规背景下的合规性监测。 ISO 11771:2010要求使用基于测量的方法和使用测量数据的基于计算的方法。它涵盖了测量计划的规划和执行,以收集数据、选择采样方法、计算结果、估计不确定性、确定排放因子,以及以用户能够应用它们的形式报告信息。ISO 11771:2010规定了如何:在规定的时间段内,生成已知质量的时间平均质量排放率数据,并记录一组操作条件; 通过填补质量排放率数据系列中的空白并对数据集进行数字组合,生成代表已知时间段(即日历年)的完整数据集;计算已知时间段内的排放系数;计算已知源类型的已知质量的时间平均发射系数。 车辆、区域或逃逸源排放的测量未具体涵盖。然而,ISO 11771:2010可用于量化这些排放源的排放因子,前提是排放测量可用。 ISO 11771:2010未明确包括参考标准中完整描述的测量程序。它也没有就活动统计数据的生成提供建议。 ISO 11771:2010与ISO 14064-1和ISO 14064-3兼容。
ISO 11771:2010 specifies a generic method for the determination and the reporting of time-averaged mass emissions from a specific installation or of a family of installations (or common source type), using data collected by measurements, and by establishing: mass emission rates by the simultaneous measurement of concentration and gas flow, using standardized manual or automatic methods, and also the estimation of the uncertainty of the measurements; time-averaged mass emission rates using time series of mass emission rate values, their uncertainty characteristics, and also the determination of the expanded uncertainty of the average; time-averaged emission factors for a specific installation or of a family of installations and their associated uncertainty characteristics; a quality management system to assist the process of inventory quality assurance and verification. ISO 11771:2010 is applicable to the determination of emission factors for stationary sources including emissions from industrial processes where calculation from fuel and raw material is not practical, for greenhouse gases, and air pollutants including fine particulate material. ISO 11771:2010 does not address compliance monitoring in the context of emission control regulations. ISO 11771:2010 requires the use of measurement-based methods and calculation-based methods that use measurement data. It covers the planning and execution of the measurement programme to collect data, selection of sampling methods, calculation of results, estimation of uncertainty, determination of emission factors, and the reporting of information in a form that enables users to apply them. ISO 11771:2010 specifies how to: generate time-averaged mass emission rate data of a known quality, for a defined period of time, and a documented set of operational conditions; generate complete data sets representative of a known time period (i.e. a calendar year) by filling gaps in mass emission rate data series and combining data sets numerically; calculate emission factors for a known time period; calculate time-averaged emission factors of a known quality for a known source type. The measurement of emissions from vehicular, area or fugitive sources is not specifically covered. However, ISO 11771:2010 can be used for quantification of emission factors for those sources provided that measurements of emissions are available. ISO 11771:2010 does not explicitly include measurement procedures that are fully described in the referenced standards. Neither does it provide advice on the generation of activity statistics. ISO 11771:2010 is compatible with ISO 14064-1 and ISO 14064-3.
归口单位: ISO/TC 146/SC 4