Belt drives -- V-ribbed pulleys and belts -- PK profile: Dimensions
JIS B 1862:2019规定了V形带肋滑轮(以下简称滑轮)槽轮廓的主要尺寸特征,以及主要用于汽车和通用工业设备(如农业机械的内燃机)动力传输的PK型V型带(以下简称皮带)。
JIS B 1862:2019 specifies the principal dimensional characteristics of groove profiles of V-ribbed pulleys (hereafter referred to as pulleys), together with those of the corresponding V-ribbed belts (hereafter referred to as belts) of PK profile which are used predominantly for power transmission in automobiles and general industrial equipment such as internal combustion engines of agricultural machinery.