Air quality — Environmental meteorology — Part 2: Ground-based remote sensing of wind by heterodyne pulsed Doppler lidar
空气质量 - 环境气象 - 第2部分:外差脉冲多普勒激光雷达的地面遥感风
ISO 28902-2:2017规定了外差脉冲多普勒激光雷达技术的要求和性能测试程序,并介绍了其优点和局限性。本文件中使用的术语“多普勒激光雷达”仅适用于外差脉冲激光雷达系统,该系统通过激光散射到大气中的气溶胶来获取风测量值。根据标准大气条件描述了性能和限制。
ISO 28902-2:2017未涉及风矢量的检索。
ISO 28902-2:2017可用于以下应用领域:
ISO 28902-2:2017涉及外差脉冲多普勒测风激光雷达的制造商,以及测试和证明其符合性的机构。此外,本文件还为用户提供了充分使用这些仪器的建议。
ISO 28902-2:2017 specifies the requirements and performance test procedures for heterodyne pulsed Doppler lidar techniques and presents their advantages and limitations. The term "Doppler lidar" used in this document applies solely to heterodyne pulsed lidar systems retrieving wind measurements from the scattering of laser light onto aerosols in the atmosphere. A description of performances and limits are described based on standard atmospheric conditions.
This document describes the determination of the line-of-sight wind velocity (radial wind velocity).
NOTE Derivation of wind vector from individual line-of-sight measurements is not described in this document since it is highly specific to a particular wind lidar configuration. One example of the retrieval of the wind vector can be found in Annex B.
ISO 28902-2:2017 does not address the retrieval of the wind vector.
ISO 28902-2:2017 may be used for the following application areas:
- meteorological briefing for, e.g. aviation, airport safety, marine applications and oil platforms;
- wind power production, e.g. site assessment and power curve determination;
- routine measurements of wind profiles at meteorological stations;
- air pollution dispersion monitoring;
- industrial risk management (direct data monitoring or by assimilation into micro-scale flow models);
- exchange processes (greenhouse gas emissions).
ISO 28902-2:2017 addresses manufacturers of heterodyne pulsed Doppler wind lidars, as well as bodies testing and certifying their conformity. Also, this document provides recommendations for the users to make adequate use of these instruments.