BS EN 60118-0:2015 gives recommendations for the measurement of the performance
characteristics of air conduction hearing aids based on a free field technique and measured
with an acoustic coupler.This part of IEC 60118 is applicable to the measurement and evaluation of the
electroacoustical characteristics of hearing aids, for example for type testing and
manufacturer data sheets.The test results obtained by the methods specified in this part of IEC 60118 will express the
performance under conditions of the test and may deviate substantially from the performance
of the hearing aid under actual conditions of use.This part of IEC 60118 uses an acoustic coupler according to IEC 60318-5 which is only
intended for loading a hearing aid with a specified acoustic impedance and is not intended to
model the sound pressure in a person's ear. The use of this acoustic coupler will yield
different results from those obtained using the occluded ear simulator of IEC 60318-4 as used
in former editions of IEC 60118-0.For the measurement of the performance characteristics of hearing aids for simulatedin situworking conditions, IEC 60118-8 can be used. For measurement of hearing aids under typical
user settings and using a speech-like signal, IEC 60118-15 can be used.For the measurement of the performance characteristics of hearing aids for production, supply
and delivery quality-assurance purposes, IEC 60118-7 can be used. The frequency range has
been extended to 8 kHz in this part of IEC 60118 as opposed to 5 kHz in IEC 60118-7.Though the number of measurements covered by this part of IEC 60118 is limited, it is not
intended that all measurements described herein are mandatory.In cases of custom-made in-the-ear instruments, the data supplied by the manufacturer
applies only to the particular hearing aid being tested.Cross References:IEC 60318-5ISO 3EN 60318-5IEC 60068IEC 60118-7:2005IEC 60118-8:2005IEC 60118-12IEC 60118-15IEC 60318-1IEC 60118-15IEC 60318-4:2010EN 60068EN 60118-7:2005EN 60118-8:2005EN 60118-12EN 60118-15EN 60318-1EN 60118-15EN 60318-4:2010ANSI S3.22ISO/TR 25417:2007ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.