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现行 ISO 22897:2023
Glass in building — Glazing and airborne sound insulation — Product descriptions, determination of properties and extension rules 建筑玻璃.玻璃和空气隔声.产品说明、性能测定和扩展规则
发布日期: 2023-12-20
本文件建立了一种方法,用于确定和评估所有透明、半透明和不透明玻璃产品的隔音性能,用于基本、特殊基本或加工玻璃产品,当打算用于建筑物中的玻璃组件时,这些玻璃产品表现出隔音性能,作为主要或补充特性。 本文件参考ISO?中描述的实验室测量方法?10140-1:20 21,附件?D并定义了无需进一步测试即可应用的扩展规则。它还提供了一系列常见玻璃产品的典型性能数据,这些产品可以在没有测量数据的情况下使用。 本文件的所有考虑仅涉及玻璃板或玻璃产品。由于其他影响,将它们结合到窗户中会导致声学性能的变化,例如。g.框架设计、框架材料、玻璃材料或方法、安装方法、气密性。可以对整个窗户(玻璃和框架)的隔音进行测量来解决这些问题。

This document establishes a method to determine and assess sound insulation performances of all transparent, translucent and opaque glass products, for basic, special basic or processed glass products, when intended to be used in glazed assemblies in buildings, and which exhibit properties of acoustic protection, either as a prime or supplementary characteristic.

This document refers to laboratory measurement method described in ISO 10140-1:2021, Annex D and defines extension rules that can be applied without further testing. It also provides typical performance data for a range of common glass products that can be used in the absence of measured data.

All the considerations of this document relate to panes of glass or glass products alone. Incorporation of them into windows can cause changes in acoustic performance as a result of other influences, e.g. frame design, frame material, glazing material or method, mounting method, air tightness. Measurements of the sound insulation of complete windows (glass and frame) can be undertaken to resolve such issues.

归口单位: ISO/TC 160