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现行 ISO 7148-1:2012
Plain bearings — Testing of the tribological behaviour of bearing materials — Part 1: Testing of bearing metals 滑动轴承——轴承材料摩擦学性能试验第1部分:轴承金属的试验
发布日期: 2012-10-01
1范围 ISO 7148的本部分规定了滑动轴承金属轴承材料在边界润滑条件下的摩擦学试验。 ISO 7148本部分所述的试验程序能够将轴承材料/配合/润滑剂组合的摩擦和磨损性能与其他组合的摩擦和磨损性能进行比较,从而有助于选择轴承材料,以便在边界润滑、低速和连续滑动的条件下重复运行或长时间运行。由于试验条件的不同,预计不同试验设施的摩擦和磨损测量值会有所不同。 只有当所有影响参数相同时,测试结果才能为实际应用提供有用的信息。试验条件与实际应用的偏差越大,结果适用性的不确定性越大。
1 Scope This part of ISO 7148 specifies tribological tests of metallic bearing materials for plain bearings under conditions of boundary lubrication. The test procedures described in this part of ISO 7148 enable the friction and wear behaviour of bearing material/mating/lubricant combinations to be compared with that of other combinations, thus facilitating the selection of a bearing material for running repeatedly or for long periods under conditions of boundary lubrication, low speed and continuous sliding. Owing to differences in test conditions, measured friction and wear values can be expected to vary from one test facility to another. The test results give useful information for practical application only if all parameters of influence are identical. The more the test conditions deviate from the actual application, the greater the uncertainty of the applicability of the results.
归口单位: ISO/TC 123/SC 2