The Occupational Pension Schemes (Power to Amend Schemes to Reflect Abolition of Contracting-out) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015
Introductory Text1.Citation and commencement2.Interpretation3.Protected persons to whom the power does not apply4.Total annual employee contributions of the relevant members5.Annual increase in an employer’s national insurance contributions in respect of the relevant members6.Scheme liabilities in respect of the benefits that accrue annually for or in respect of the relevant members7.Earnings data8.General calculation requirements9.Further restrictions on the use of the power10.Actuary11.Requirement for the actuary’s certificate12.Information13.Segregated schemes with single employer sections14.Non-segregated multi-employer schemes15.Segregated schemes with multi-employer sections16.Notification of the amendment dateSignatureSCHEDULEInformation to be included in the actuary’s certificateExplanatory Note