Test code for machine tools — Part 1: Geometric accuracy of machines operating under no-load or quasi-static conditions
机床试验规程SPART 1:在空载或准静态条件下运行的机器的几何精度
ISO 230-1:2012规定了在空载或准静态条件下通过几何和机械加工试验测试机床精度的方法。这些方法也适用于其他类型的工业机器。
ISO 230-1:2012涉及几何精度的测试。它不适用于机床的运行测试(振动、部件的粘滑运动等)或特性检查(速度、进给)。
ISO 230-1:2012 specifies methods for testing the accuracy of machine tools, operating either under no-load or under quasi-static conditions, by means of geometric and machining tests. The methods can also be applied to other types of industrial machines.
It covers power-driven machines, which can be used for machining metal, wood, etc., by the removal of chips or swarf material or by plastic deformation. It does not cover power-driven portable hand tools.
ISO 230-1:2012 relates to the testing of geometric accuracy. It is not applicable to the operational testing of the machine tool (vibrations, stick-slip motion of components, etc.) or to the checking of characteristics (speeds, feeds).
It does not cover the geometric accuracy of high-speed machine motions where machining forces are typically smaller than acceleration forces.