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现行 IEC GUIDE 115:2023
Application of measurement uncertainty to conformity assessment activities in the electrotechnical sector 测量不确定度在电工行业合格评定活动中的应用
发布日期: 2023-04-12
IEC指南115:2023提出了一种将测量不确定度应用于电工行业合格评定活动的实用方法。它是专门为IECEE方案以及从事电气产品测试的国家安全标准测试实验室而设计的。它描述了测量原理不确定度的应用,并为测量计算的不确定度提供了指导。还举例说明了产品合格评定试验中测量计算的不确定度。IEC指南115由IECEE测试实验室委员会(CTL)编制,旨在为ISO/IEC 17025的测量不确定度要求在IECEE CB方案内进行的电气安全测试的实际应用提供指导。IECEE CB计划是一项多边国际协议,由40多个国家和大约60个国家认证机构组成,用于接受按照IEC标准测试的电气产品的测试报告。 CTL的目的是,除其他任务外,确定对IEC标准测试方法的共同理解,并确保并不断提高成员实验室测试结果的可重复性和再现性。本文件中概述的测量不确定度的实用方法已被用于IECEE方案,世界各地从事电气产品国家安全标准测试的测试实验室也广泛使用。
IEC Guide 115:2023 presents a practical approach to the application of uncertainty of measurement to conformity assessment activities in the electrotechnical sector. It is specifically conceived for use in IECEE Schemes as well as by testing laboratories engaged in testing electrical products to national safety standards. It describes the application of uncertainty of measurement principles and provides guidance on making uncertainty of measurement calculations. It also gives some examples relating to uncertainty of measurement calculations for product conformity assessment testing. IEC Guide 115 has been prepared by the IECEE Committee of Testing Laboratories (CTL) to provide guidance on the practical application of the measurement uncertainty requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 to the electrical safety testing conducted within the IECEE CB Scheme. The IECEE CB Scheme is a multilateral, international agreement, among over 40 countries and some 60 national certification bodies, for the acceptance of test reports on electrical products tested to IEC standards.The aim of the CTL is, among other tasks, to define a common understanding of the test methodology with regard to the IEC standards as well as to ensure and continually improve the repeatability and reproducibility of test results among the member laboratories. The practical approach to measurement uncertainty outlined in this document has been adopted for use in the IECEE Schemes, and is also extensively used around the world by testing laboratories engaged in testing electrical products to national safety standards.
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