The Waste Management Licensing Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2006
Introductory Text1.Citation, commencement, interpretation and extent2.Amendment of the Waste Management Licensing Regulations 19943.In regulation 1(3) (citation, commencement, interpretation and extent)–4.For regulation 17 (exemptions from waste management licensing) substitute– Exemptions.5.In regulation 17A– (a) for “regulation 17(4A)” substitute “regulation 17(6)”,.6.For regulation 18 substitute– Registration in connection with exempt activities.7.For regulation 18A substitute– Registration obligations (1) The obligations described in paragraph (2) (“the registration obligations”).8.For Schedule 3 (activities exempt from waste management licensing), substitute.9.For Schedule 3A (plans and documents etc. required for registration).10.Amendment of the Environment Act 199511.Transitional provisions12.Where the appropriate registration authority receives notice under regulation 18(4).SignatureSCHEDULE 1NEW SCHEDULE 3 TO THE WASTE MANAGEMENT LICENSING REGULATIONS 1994SCHEDULE 2NEW SCHEDULE 3A TO THE WASTE MANAGEMENT LICENSING REGULATIONS 1994Explanatory Note
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