Ventilation in hospitals. Coherent hierarchic structure and common terms and definitions for a standard related to ventilation in hospitals
医院的通风 医院通风相关标准的连贯层次结构和通用术语及定义
交叉引用:ISO 22716EN 13053ISO 16737ISO/TS 11139ISO 14644-1EN 60068-2-11EN ISO 14644-3ISO 16204ISO 15686-3IEC 60068-2-11EN ISO 22716EN ISO 13408-6EN ISO 14644-1ISO/IEC 2382ISO 13408-6ISO 14644-3SIS/TS 39:2015ISO/IEC 12207ISO/IEC 18010EN 13030ISO 6707-1ISO 18436-1:2012购买本文件时可提供的所有现行修订。
Cross References:ISO 22716EN 13053ISO 16737ISO/TS 11139ISO 14644-1EN 60068-2-11EN ISO 14644-3ISO 16204ISO 15686-3IEC 60068-2-11EN ISO 22716EN ISO 13408-6EN ISO 14644-1ISO/IEC 2382ISO 13408-6ISO 14644-3SIS/TS 39:2015ISO/IEC 12207ISO/IEC 18010EN 13030ISO 6707-1ISO 18436-1:2012All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.