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现行 SMPTE RP 197-2003
Film-to-Video Transfer List 电影到视频传输列表
发布日期: 2003-01-01
本规程描述了电影到视频传输列表的数据格式。此列表可以存储和引用,以记录将图片和声音从电影相关媒体传输到视频媒体的过程。此列表中记录的信息可能包括一般制作和后期制作信息(日期、设施、胶片类型)。该列表还包含源元素和目标元素之间的特定时间(同步)关系。本规程未指定此列表的存储介质。本规程基于ANSI/SMPTE 258M。 编辑决策列表(EDL)构成了该胶片传输列表(FTL)结构的基本描述。本规程各节描述了用于记录胶片到磁带传输会话的其他信息。此处仅包含EDL和FTL之间的差异。
This practice describes the data format of a list of film-to-video transfers. This list may be stored and referenced to document the process of transferring pictures and sound from film-related media to video media. The information documented in this list may include general production and post-production information (date, facility, film type). The list also contains the specific time (synchronization) elationships between source and destination elements. The storage medium for this list is not specified by this practice. This practice is based on ANSI/SMPTE 258M. The edit decision list (EDL) forms the base description of the structure of this film transfer list (FTL). Sections of this practice describe additional information that is used to document film-to-tape transfer sessions. Only the differences between EDL and FTL are contained here.