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现行 IEC 61788-13:2012
Superconductivity - Part 13: AC loss measurements - Magnetometer methods for hysteresis loss in superconducting multifilamentary composites 超导性 - 第13部分:交流损耗测量 - 用于超导多丝复合材料滞后损耗的磁力计方法
发布日期: 2012-07-25
IEC 61788-13:2012描述了使用直流或低斜率磁强计测量Cu/Nb-Ti多丝复合材料迟滞损耗的注意事项。本国际标准规定了测量多芯Cu/Nb-Ti复合导线滞回损耗的方法。假设在温度等于或接近4,2 K的圆导线上进行测量。将使用超导量子干涉装置或振动样品磁强计进行直流或低斜率磁强计测量。附录中给出了超导体测量的一般扩展。第二版取消并取代了2003年出版的第一版。这是一项技术性修订。对第二版所做的修改扩展到一般超导体的测量,在不同的样品尺寸和形状,以及在4,2 K以外的温度下,并对所有定量统计表达式使用“不确定度”一词,以消除“精密度”和“准确度”的定量使用。
IEC 61788-13:2012 describes considerations for the measurement of hysteretic loss in Cu/Nb-Ti multifilamentary composites using DC- or low-ramp-rate magnetometry. This international standard specifies a method of the measurement of hysteretic loss in multifilamentary Cu/Nb-Ti composite conductors. Measurements are assumed to be on round wires with temperatures at or near 4,2 K. DC or low-ramp-rate magnetometry will be performed using either a superconducting quantum interference device or a vibrating-sample magnetometer. Extension to the measurement of superconductors in general is given in Annex. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2003. It constitutes a technical revision. Modifications made to the second edition extend to the measurement of superconductors in general, in various sample sizes and shapes, and at temperatures other than 4,2 K, and use the word "uncertainty" for all quantitative statistical expressions to eliminate the quantitative use of "precision" and "accuracy".
归口单位: TC 90