Postal services. Trays for international letter mail. Test methods and performance requirements
邮政服务 国际信件的信盒 试验方法和性能要求
交叉引用:EN 1005-2EN 22206ISO 2206:1987EN 22248ISO 2248:1985EN 60695-11-20IEC 60695-11-20:1999EN ISO 2233ISO 2233:2000EN ISO 2247ISO 2247:2000EN ISO 2875ISO 2875:2000EN ISO 4180ISO 4180:2009EN ISO 12048ISO 12048:1994EN 13430ISTA 1购买本文件时提供的所有当前修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
Cross References:EN 1005-2EN 22206ISO 2206:1987EN 22248ISO 2248:1985EN 60695-11-20IEC 60695-11-20:1999EN ISO 2233ISO 2233:2000EN ISO 2247ISO 2247:2000EN ISO 2875ISO 2875:2000EN ISO 4180ISO 4180:2009EN ISO 12048ISO 12048:1994EN 13430ISTA 1AAll current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.