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现行 ASM Al-279
APEX TERNALLOY 7 - Aluminum Foundry Alloy 铝合金7-铝铸造合金
发布日期: 1987-04-01
查看样本合金摘要数据表(PDF)自1952年以来,合金摘要一直是世界各地使用的金属和合金材料性能数据的主要参考。这些图表和可加工性、图表和热处理图表和图表。APEX Tern合金7是三种APEX Tern合金家族中的一种:参见合金文摘中的APEX Tern合金5(A1-273)和6(A1-227)。它可以在室温下通过时效硬化,无需固溶处理,并具有较高的机械性能。它具有良好的铸造性、良好的机械加工性和耐腐蚀性。 Ternaloy 7有许多用途,包括飞机部件、齿轮、机械零件、配件、阀门和装饰产品。
View Sample Alloy Digest Data Sheet (PDF)Since 1952, Alloy Digest has been the leading reference for materials property data on metals and alloys used throughout the world. Featuring graphs, charts and tables, these sheets give facts and figures on composition or characterization, physical and mechanical properties, heat treatment, and machinability.APEX TERNALLOY 7 is one of a family of three APEX TERNALLOYS: see APEX TERNALLOYS 5 (A1-273) and 6(A1-227) in Alloy Digest. It can be hardened by aging at room temperature without a solution treatment and offers high mechanical properties. It has good castability, excellent machinability and high resistance to corrosion. TERNALLOY 7 has many uses including aircraft components, gears machinery parts, fittings, valves and ornamental products.