BS EN 62127-2:2007+A2:2017 specifies:absolute hydrophone calibration methods;relative (comparative) hydrophone calibration methods.Recommendations and references to accepted literature are made for the various relative and
absolute calibration methods in the frequency range covered by this standard.Cross References:EN 61689 (IEC 61689:2013) ASIEC 60565IEC 61828IEC 62127-1IEC 60050-801IEC 61161IEC 62127-3IEC 61689:2013GUM:1995EN 62127-1:2007BIPM JCGM 200:2012EN 61161:2007EN 61828:2001EN 60565:2007EN 62127-3:2007Incorporates the following:Amendment, March 2018; Amendment, July 2013