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现行 ASTM D7549-24
Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Heavy-Duty Engine Oils under High Output Conditions—Caterpillar C13 Test Procedure 在高输出条件下评定重载发动机油的标准试验方法——Caterpillar C13试验程序
发布日期: 2024-07-01
1.1 该测试方法涵盖了高输出条件下的重型发动机测试程序,以评估发动机机油在燃烧环境中的性能,包括活塞沉积物的形成、活塞环卡住和油耗控制,以最大限度地减少废气排放。此测试方法通常称为Caterpillar C13重型发动机机油测试。 3. 1.2 以国际单位制表示的数值应视为标准。本标准不包括其他计量单位。 1.2.1 例外情况-- 在没有SI等效物的情况下,如螺纹、国家管螺纹(NPT)和卡套管尺寸。 1.3 本标准并不旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 看见 附件A1 一般安全预防措施。 1.4 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 5.1 该试验方法评估了发动机机油在重型操作条件下的活塞沉积物控制和机油消耗维护方面的性能,该重型操作条件被选择为加速涡轮增压、中冷四冲程柴油发动机中沉积物的形成,该柴油机配备有燃烧系统,可最大限度地减少联邦控制的废气排放。 5.2 可将该试验方法的结果与规范要求进行比较,以确定可接受性。 5.3 该试验方法中使用的试验发动机的设计代表了许多但不是所有的柴油发动机。在将试验结果与规范要求进行比较时,需要考虑该因素以及加速运行条件。
1.1 The test method covers a heavy-duty engine test procedure under high output conditions to evaluate engine oil performance with regard to piston deposit formation, piston ring sticking and oil consumption control in a combustion environment designed to minimize exhaust emissions. This test method is commonly referred to as the Caterpillar C13 Heavy-Duty Engine Oil Test. 3 1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. 1.2.1 Exceptions— Where there are no SI equivalent such as screw threads, National Pipe Treads (NPT), and tubing sizes. 1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. See Annex A1 for general safety precautions. 1.4 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 This test method assesses the performance of an engine oil with respect to control of piston deposits and maintenance of oil consumption under heavy-duty operating conditions selected to accelerate deposit formation in a turbocharged, intercooled four-stroke-cycle diesel engine equipped with a combustion system that minimizes federally controlled exhaust gas emissions. 5.2 The results from this test method may be compared against specification requirements to ascertain acceptance. 5.3 The design of the test engine used in this test method is representative of many, but not all, diesel engines. This factor, along with the accelerated operating conditions, needs to be considered when comparing test results against specification requirements.
归口单位: D02.B0
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