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现行 SAE AMS7002A
Process Requirements for Production of Metal Powder Feedstock for Use in Additive Manufacturing of Aerospace Parts 生产用于航空航天零件增材制造的金属粉末原料的工艺要求
发布日期: 2022-05-16
本规范规定了生产的工艺要求(从原材料到准备装运,参见 8.6 )用于航空航天零件增材制造的金属粉末原料。 本规范涵盖了在增材制造中用作原料的金属粉末的生产要求。这样的粉末可以是预合金化的或商业纯的。本说明书不限于具体的粉末制造方法。它旨在定义实现航空航天零件制造中使用的金属粉末原料所需的清洁度和性能所需的程序和要求。本规范旨在与用于增材制造的AMS粉末规范结合使用。
This specification is to prescribe process requirements for production (from raw materials through preparation for shipment, see 8.6 ) of metal powder feedstock for use in additive manufacturing of aerospace parts. This specification covers requirements for the production of metal powder for use as feedstock in additive manufacturing. Such powders may be pre-alloyed or commercially pure. This specification is not limited to a specific powder production method. It is intended to define those procedures and requirements necessary to achieve required cleanliness and performance of metal powder feedstock to be used in the manufacture of aerospace parts. This specification is intended to be used in conjunction with AMS powder specifications for additive manufacturing.
归口单位: AEROC