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现行 BS ISO 22324:2015
Societal security — Emergency management — Guidelines for colour-coded alerts 社会安全 应急管理 彩色编码警报指南
发布日期: 2022-12-31
BS ISO 22324:2015提供了使用色码告知风险人群的指南 以及第一反应人员关于危险和表达情况的严重性。这是适用的 适用于任何位置的所有类型的危险。本国际标准不包括显示颜色代码的方法,详细的人体工程学 与查看显示屏或ISO 3864-1涵盖的安全标志相关的注意事项。交叉引用:ISO 3864-1ISO 22322ISO 5492:2008ISO 9241-300ISO 17724:2003ISO/TR 22411ISO/IEC 8632-1:1999ISO/IEC指南71:2001JIS S S 0033:2006ISO 22300ISO 22320ISO 3864-4购买本文件时提供的所有当前修订版均包括在内。
BS ISO 22324:2015 provides guidelines for the use of colour codes to inform people at risk as well as first response personnel about danger and to express the severity of a situation. It is applicable to all types of hazard in any location.This International Standard does not cover the method for displaying colour codes, detailed ergonomic considerations related with viewing displays, or safety signs covered by ISO 3864-1.Cross References:ISO 3864-1ISO 22322ISO 5492:2008ISO 9241-300ISO 17724:2003ISO/TR 22411ISO/IEC 8632-1:1999ISO/IEC Guide 71:2001JIS S 0033:2006ISO 22300ISO 22320ISO 3864-4All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会