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现行 32019D0301
Council Decision (EU) 2019/301 of 12 February 2019 on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union and of the Member States, of the Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Kyrgyz Republic, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union 2019年2月12日理事会第2019/301号决定(欧盟) 代表欧盟和成员国缔结《建立欧洲共同体及其成员国与吉尔吉斯共和国之间伙伴关系的伙伴关系与合作协定议定书》 考虑到克罗地亚共和国加入欧洲联盟
发布日期: 2019-02-12
Council Decision (EU) 2019/301 of 12 February 2019 on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union and of the Member States, of the Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Kyrgyz Republic, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union
EU 385-2018
Council Decision (EU) 2018/385 of 16 October 2017 on the signing, on behalf of the Union and of the Member States, and provisional application of the Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Kyrgyz Republic, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union
2017年10月16日理事会第2018/385号决定(欧盟) 代表欧盟和成员国签署并临时适用《建立欧洲共同体及其成员国与吉尔吉斯共和国之间伙伴关系的伙伴关系与合作协定议定书》 考虑到克罗地亚共和国加入欧洲联盟
EU 1194-2018
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1194 of 21 June 2018 on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union and of the Member States, of the Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Uzbekistan, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union
2018年6月21日理事会第2018/1194号决定(欧盟) 代表欧盟和成员国缔结《建立欧洲共同体及其成员国与乌兹别克斯坦共和国之间伙伴关系的伙伴关系与合作协定议定书》 考虑到克罗地亚共和国加入欧洲联盟
Council Decision (Euratom) 2018/386 of 16 October 2017 approving the conclusion, by the European Commission, on behalf of the European Atomic Energy Community, of the Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Kyrgyz Republic, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union
理事会2017年10月16日第2018/386号决定(欧洲原子能共同体) 批准欧盟委员会代表欧洲原子能共同体缔结《建立欧洲共同体及其成员国与吉尔吉斯共和国之间伙伴关系的伙伴关系与合作协定议定书》 考虑到克罗地亚共和国加入欧洲联盟
EC 491-1999
1999/491/EC, ECSC, Euratom: Council and Commission Decision of 12 May 1999 on the conclusion of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Kyrgyz Republic, of the other part
EU 853-2016
Council Decision (EU) 2016/853 of 12 May 2016 on the signing, on behalf of the European Union and its Member States, of a Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Turkmenistan, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Croatia, the
2016年5月12日理事会第2016/853号决定(欧盟) 代表欧盟及其成员国签署《建立欧洲共同体及其成员国与土库曼斯坦之间伙伴关系的伙伴关系与合作协定议定书》 以考虑到保加利亚共和国、捷克共和国、 爱沙尼亚共和国、克罗地亚共和国、
EU 830-2016
Council Decision (EU) 2016/830 of 12 May 2016 on the signing, on behalf of the European Union and its Member States, of a Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Tajikistan, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union
2016年5月12日理事会第2016/830号决定(欧盟) 代表欧洲联盟及其成员国签署《建立欧洲共同体及其成员国与塔吉克斯坦共和国之间伙伴关系的伙伴关系与合作协定议定书》 考虑到克罗地亚共和国加入欧洲联盟
EU 1567-2017
Council Decision (EU) 2017/1567 of 8 June 2017 on the signing, on behalf of the Union and of the Member States, and provisional application of the Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Uzbekistan, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union
2017年6月8日理事会第2017/1567号决定(欧盟) 代表欧盟和成员国签署并临时适用《建立欧洲共同体及其成员国与乌兹别克斯坦共和国之间伙伴关系的伙伴关系与合作协定议定书》 考虑到克罗地亚共和国加入欧洲联盟
EU 573-2019
Council Decision (EU) 2019/573 of 8 April 2019 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union and its Member States, of the Third Additional Protocol to the Economic Partnership, Political Coordination and Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the United Mexican States, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union
理事会2019年4月8日关于代表欧盟及其成员国缔结《欧洲共同体及其成员国与墨西哥合众国经济伙伴关系、政治协调与合作协定第三附加议定书》的第2019/573号决定 考虑到克罗地亚共和国加入欧洲联盟
EU 2194-2015
Council Decision (EU) 2015/2194 of 23 November 2015 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union and its Member States, of the Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Russian Federation, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union
2015年11月23日理事会关于代表欧洲联盟及其成员国缔结《建立欧洲共同体及其成员国与俄罗斯联邦之间伙伴关系的伙伴关系和合作协定议定书》的第2015/2194号决定(欧盟) 考虑到克罗地亚共和国加入欧洲联盟
Council Decision (Euratom) 2016/829 of 12 May 2016 approving the conclusion, by the European Commission, on behalf of the European Atomic Energy Community, of a Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Tajikistan, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union
2016年5月12日理事会第2016/829号决定批准欧盟委员会代表欧洲原子能共同体缔结《建立欧洲共同体及其成员国与塔吉克斯坦共和国之间伙伴关系的伙伴关系与合作协定议定书》 考虑到克罗地亚共和国加入欧洲联盟
EU 704-2019
Council Decision (EU) 2019/704 of 15 April 2019 on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union and its Member States, of a Protocol amending the Agreement on Air Transport between Canada and the European Community and its Member States, to take account of the accession to the European Union of the Republic of Croatia
2019年4月15日理事会第2019/704号决定(欧盟) 代表欧盟及其成员国缔结一项议定书 修正加拿大与欧洲共同体及其成员国之间的航空运输协定 以考虑到克罗地亚共和国加入欧盟
EC 712-2006
2006/712/EC,Euratom: Council and Commission Decision of 25 September 2006 on the conclusion of the Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of
2006/712/EC 欧洲原子能共同体:理事会和委员会2006年9月25日关于缔结《欧洲共同体及其成员国与吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国建立伙伴关系的伙伴关系和合作协定议定书》的决定 以考虑到捷克共和国、爱沙尼亚共和国的加入 塞浦路斯共和国、拉脱维亚共和国、塞浦路斯共和国
EU 250-2011
2011/250/EU: Council Decision of 31 January 2011 on the signing, on behalf the European Union, of a Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Uzbekistan, of the other part, amending the Agreement in order to extend the provisions of the Agreement to bilateral trade in textiles, taking account of the expiry of the b
欧盟:理事会2011年1月31日关于代表欧洲联盟签署《建立欧洲共同体及其成员国与乌兹别克斯坦共和国之间伙伴关系的伙伴关系与合作协定议定书》的决定 考虑到b
EC 628-2008
2008/628/EC: Council Decision of 25 February 2008 on the signing and provisional application of a Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Kyrgyz Republic, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union
2008/628/EC:2008年2月25日理事会关于签署和临时适用《欧洲共同体及其成员国与吉尔吉斯共和国建立伙伴关系的伙伴关系和合作协定议定书》的决定 以考虑到保加利亚共和国和罗马尼亚加入欧洲联盟
Council Decision (Euratom) 2016/852 of 12 May 2016 approving the conclusion, by the European Commission, on behalf of the European Atomic Energy Community, of a Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Turkmenistan, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Republic o
2016年5月12日理事会第2016/852号决定批准欧盟委员会代表欧洲原子能共同体签署《建立欧洲共同体及其成员国与土库曼斯坦之间伙伴关系的伙伴关系与合作协定》议定书 考虑到保加利亚共和国、捷克共和国、捷克共和国、
EU 835-2019
Council Decision (EU) 2019/835 of 8 April 2019 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union and its Member States, of a Protocol to the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Arab Republic of Egypt, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union
2019年4月8日理事会第2019/835号决定(欧盟) 代表欧洲联盟及其成员国缔结《欧洲-地中海协定》议定书 建立欧洲共同体及其成员国与阿拉伯埃及共和国之间的联系 考虑到克罗地亚共和国加入欧洲联盟
EC 82-2009
2009/82/EC,Euratom: Council and Commission Decision of 18 December 2008 on the conclusion of the Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Kyrgyz Republic, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union
2009/82/EC 欧洲原子能共同体:理事会和委员会2008年12月18日关于欧洲共同体及其成员国与吉尔吉斯共和国缔结《伙伴关系与合作协定议定书》的决定 以考虑到保加利亚共和国和罗马尼亚加入欧洲联盟
EU 394-2016
Council Decision (EU) 2016/394 of 14 March 2016 concerning the conclusion of consultations with the Republic of Burundi under Article 96 of the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part
理事会2016年3月14日第2016/394号决定(欧盟) 关于根据非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团成员国与欧洲共同体及其成员国之间的《伙伴关系协定》第96条与布隆迪共和国进行协商的结论
EU 1790-2017
Council Decision (EU) 2017/1790 of 25 September 2017 on the position to be taken, on behalf of the European Union, within the Cooperation Council established by the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Armenia, of the other part, with regard to the adoption of the EU-Armenia Partnership Priorities
2017年9月25日理事会第2017/1790号决定(欧盟) 代表欧洲联盟在欧洲共同体及其成员国与亚美尼亚共和国之间的《伙伴关系与合作协定》设立的合作理事会内就通过欧盟-亚美尼亚伙伴关系优先事项采取的立场
EU 283-2011
2011/283/EU: Council Decision of 12 April 2011 on the conclusion of a Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Moldova, of the other part, on a Framework Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova on the general principles for the participation of the Republic of Moldova in Union programmes
欧盟:理事会2011年4月12日关于缔结《建立欧洲共同体及其成员国与摩尔多瓦共和国之间伙伴关系的伙伴关系和合作协定议定书》的决定 欧洲联盟和摩尔多瓦共和国关于摩尔多瓦共和国参与欧盟方案的一般原则的框架协定