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现行 CH-12-C071
Thermal Network Model for Variable Flow Ground Heat Exchanger Systems 变流量地下换热器系统的热网络模型
当建筑物处于部分负荷时,垂直地面换热器(VGHE)系统中循环泵的过大泵送功率会降低地面耦合热泵(GCHP)系统的性能系数(COP)。本文提出了一个二维热网络模型来处理变流量VGHE系统的传热问题。考虑钻孔间的热干扰,对井中不同钻孔位置的电容和电阻进行校正。工作流体流速的控制策略是根据建筑物的冷/热负荷比调节循环泵的速度。对位于伊利诺伊州芝加哥市的一栋商业建筑的恒流量和变流量系统的整体性能进行了比较。 结果表明,变流量系统在其使用寿命内比恒流系统节省了约14%的年用电量。引文:伊利诺伊州芝加哥ASHRAE会议论文
The excessive pumping power of circulation pumps in vertical ground heat exchanger (VGHE) systems reduces the coefficient of performance (COP) of ground-coupled heat pump (GCHP) systems when buildings are in partial load. A twodimensional thermal network model is presented in this paper to deal with heat transfer in variable flow VGHE systems. To consider the thermal interference between boreholes, the capacitances and resistances are corrected for the different locations of boreholes in the borehole field. The control strategy for the flow rate of the working fluid is to modulate circulation pump speed based on the building cooling/heating load ratio. The comparison of the overall performance of a GCHP system is made between constant flow and variable flow systems in their life spans for a commercial building located in Chicago, Illinois. The result shows that the variable flow system saves about 14% of the annual electricity consumption than the constant flow system during their life spans.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类