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现行 ISO 21173:2019
Submersibles — Hydrostatic pressure test — Pressure hull and buoyancy materials 潜水器静水压试验耐压船体和浮力材料
发布日期: 2019-08-09
本文件规定了潜水器耐压壳和浮力材料静水压力试验的试验方法。试验顺序包括气密性试验和水压试验本身。它还可以包括连续加压和减压试验、长期静态负荷和循环外部压力试验。 本文件适用于载人潜水器和无人潜水器的压力结构,包括压力船体及其附件(如视口、舱口和连接器)和浮力材料。 长期静载荷和循环外压试验仅适用于浮力材料。 本文件不适用于在水下停泊或作业超过一周的潜艇和其他潜水器。
This document specifies a test method for the hydrostatic pressure test for pressure hull and buoyancy materials of submersibles. The test sequence comprises a tightness test and the hydrostatic pressure test itself. It can also include continuous pressurization and depressurization tests, long-term static load and cycling external pressure tests. This document is applicable to the pressure structure of manned submersibles and unmanned submersibles, including the pressure hull, its accessories (such as viewports, hatches and connectors) and buoyancy materials. The long-term static load and cycling external pressure tests are only applicable to buoyancy material. This document is not applicable to submarines and other submersibles parking or operating underwater for more than one week.
归口单位: ISO/TC 8/SC 13