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现行 ISO/TS 17870-3:2023
Ceramic tiles — Installation — Part 3: Installation of large format porcelain tiles and panels by mechanical means onto a supporting structure 瓷砖.安装.第3部分:用机械方法将大尺寸瓷砖和面板安装在支撑结构上
发布日期: 2023-01-10
A1a和B1a级瓷器(如ISO 13006所定义)现在以比以前大得多的格式制造,并且越来越多地被用作建筑物的外部覆层材料。 A1b、A11a和AIIb类挤压陶瓷(定义见ISO 13006)不在本文件的范围内。这些材料,当专门为外部fa开发时?ade应用程序已经被广泛使用多年,并且已经存在既定的方法。 当通过常规粘合剂固定方法(ISO/TR 17870-1和ISO/TR 17870-2)安装时,大规格瓷砖或面板通常被认为太大而不能在高层建筑上外部使用;因此,使用机械固定件。 由于目前没有关于以这种方式安装这些产品的公开标准或指南,本文件提供了关于与正风荷载和负风荷载一起使用的一些典型类型的机械固定系统的一般信息。可用于评估锚杆拔出或边缘断裂阻力的因素和典型测试程序。此外,由于当前瓷砖的抗冲击性测试方法(ISO 10545-5)仅涉及传统的(层状)安装瓷砖(其测量恢复系数),因此它不是用于未层状(无支撑)瓷砖的适当测试,因此参考替代测试方法(ISO 7892)来测量硬体和软体抗冲击性。 提供了关于易受硬体和软体冲击的典型冲击区域的指南,并参考了有时应用于瓷覆瓦和面板的防碎网背衬。 依靠金属支架、带子或框架等的化学粘合的安装系统。本文件不包括与机械附件一起或代替机械附件放置在大尺寸瓷砖或面板上。 通风fa下部结构设计和施工的详细原则?用于建筑物外部的ADE,也称为防雨屏,在其他国家和国际标准中有详细记录,因此,除了一般参考之外,不包括在本文件中。

Classes A1a and B1a porcelain (as defined in ISO 13006) are now manufactured in much larger formats than previously available and are increasingly being used as an external cladding material for buildings.

Classes A1b, A11a, and AIIb extruded ceramics (as defined in ISO 13006) are not covered by the scope of this document. These materials, when specifically developed for external fa?ade applications, have been used extensively for many years and established methodologies already exist.

Large format porcelain tiles or panels are generally considered to be too large to be used externally on high buildings when installed by conventional adhesive fixing methods (ISO/TR 17870-1 and ISO/TR 17870-2); therefore, mechanical fixings are used.

As there are currently no published standards or guidelines for these products to be installed in this way, this document provides generic information on some typical types of mechanical fixing systems in use together with positive and negative wind load factors and typical testing procedures that can be used for evaluating anchor pull-out or edge fracture resistance. Also, because the current impact resistance test method for ceramics tiles (ISO 10545-5) relates only to traditional (bedded) installed tiling – which measures the coefficient of restitution – it is not an appropriate test for unbedded (unsupported) tiles, so alternative test methods (ISO 7892) are referred to for measuring hard-body and soft-body impact resistance.

Guidance is provided regarding typical impact zones of vulnerability to hard and soft body impact and reference is made to anti-shatter mesh backings, which are sometimes applied to porcelain cladding tiles and panels.

Installation systems which rely upon the chemical adhesion of metal brackets, straps or framing, etc. onto or into large format porcelain tiles or panels in conjunction with, or instead of, mechanical attachment, are not included in this document.

The detailed principles for the design and construction of the substructure of ventilated fa?ades, also known as rain screens, used on the outside of buildings, are well documented in other national and international standards and are not therefore, included in this document, other than in general reference.

发布单位或类别: 国际组织-国际标准化组织
归口单位: ISO/TC 189