Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)-Generic standards. Emission standard for professional equipment in commercial and light-industrial locations
This generic EMC emission standard is applicable only if no relevant dedicated product or
product family EMC emission standard has been published.
This part of IEC 61000 for emission requirements applies to electrical and electronic equipment
intended for use in commercial and light-industrial (see 3.1.3) locations. This document applies
to equipment that satisfy the following restrictions of use:
• is defined as professional equipment (see 3.1.13),• is professionally installed and maintained (see 3.1.14 and Clause 6),• is not intended to be used in residential locations (see 3.1.16).
IEC 61000-6-3 applies to electrical and electronic equipment intended for use at commercial
and light-industrial locations that do not satisfy these restrictions.All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.