Treatment Efficiency and Water Quality in Distribution System after Conversion to MF (without Coagulation) in Small Water System
在小型供水系统中转换为MF(无混凝)后 配水系统的处理效率和水质
This research documents the transition of a small system (2300 customers in Carthage, North
Carolina) from conventional treatment (alum coagulation-sedimentation-filtration) to
microfiltration (MF). The new MF facility began delivering water to the distribution system on
May 24, 2002. In the new scheme, no chemicals are added ahead of MF. Monthly data
collection and daily plant operating records were used to document the treatment efficiency and
water quality in the distribution system for five months prior to the conversion and after the
conversion. The ultimate goal of the research was to determine the tangible benefits of the
conversion to MF at the customer's tap. Thus far, the results have shown that MF has improved
turbidity and particle removal and this is reflected in measurements made within the distribution
system. However, problems unrelated to the efficiency of MF remain to be solved so that
disinfection byproduct formation and bacterial regrowth can be controlled. Lessons learned
here with regard to efficiency of treatment, costs and water quality improvements will be of great
benefit to many small systems that are facing similar problems. Includes 2 references, tables, figures.