Ergonomics — Accessible design — Specification of age-related luminance contrast for coloured light
ISO 24502:2010通过考虑眼睛光谱发光效率的年龄相关变化,规定了一个人在任何年龄看到的任何两种不同颜色灯光的年龄相关亮度对比度。
ISO 24502:2010提供了一种基本的计算方法,可应用于照明、视觉标志和显示器的设计。它适用于在中等亮度条件下看到的视觉标志和显示器中的自发光或反射光,称为明视视觉,其光谱辐射已知或可测量。它不适用于在称为中间视觉或暗视的较暗条件下看到的光。
ISO 24502:2010规定了10至79岁人群的亮度对比度,这些人的眼睛没有接受过可能影响其光谱发光效率的医疗或手术。
ISO 24502:2010不适用于光谱发光效率不同于正常色觉的色觉缺陷患者看到的视觉标志和显示,也不适用于视力低下的患者看到的视觉标志和显示。
ISO 24502:2010 specifies the age-related luminance contrast of any two lights of different colour seen by a person at any age, by taking into account the age-related change of spectral luminous efficiency of the eye.
ISO 24502:2010 provides a basic method of calculation that can be applied to the design of lighting, visual signs and displays. It applies to light, self-luminous or reflected, in visual signs and displays seen under moderately bright conditions called photopic vision and whose spectral radiance is known or measurable. It does not apply to light seen under darker conditions called mesopic or scotopic vision.
ISO 24502:2010 specifies the luminance contrast for people aged from 10 to 79 years who have had no medical treatment or surgery on their eyes that may affect their spectral luminous efficiency.
ISO 24502:2010 does not apply to visual signs and displays seen by people with colour defects whose spectral luminous efficiency is different from those with normal colour vision, nor those seen by people with low vision.