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现行 ISO 23265:2022
Soil quality — Test for estimating organic matter decomposition in contaminated soil 土壤质量.估算污染土壤中有机物分解的试验
发布日期: 2022-11-11
本文件规定了通过确定土壤污染物和物质对有机物分解的影响来评估土壤生境功能的测试程序。本试验适用于天然土壤和质量未知的土壤材料(例如污染场地、改良土壤、修复后的土壤、农业或其他相关场地)。本文件还规定了如何在温和条件下使用该方法测试物质。 本文件不适用于空气/土壤分配系数大于1的物质25℃时的Pa°C。 注意测试期间无法确保测试物质的稳定性。试验方法中没有规定监测受试物质的持久性。
This document specifies a test procedure for the evaluation of the habitat function of soils by determining effects of soil contaminants and substances on organic matter decomposition. This test is applicable to natural soils and soil materials of unknown quality (e.g. contaminated sites, amended soils, soils after remediation, agricultural or other sites under concern). This document also specifies how to use this method for testing substances under temperate conditions. This document is not applicable to substances for which the air/soil partition coefficient is greater than 1. It is not applicable to substances with vapour pressure exceeding 300 Pa at 25 °C. NOTE      The stability of the test substance cannot be ensured over the test period. No provision is made in the test method for monitoring the persistence of the substance under test.
归口单位: ISO/TC 190/SC 4