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现行 ISO 5501-2:2024
Tobacco heating systems — Definitions and standard conditions for aerosol generation and collection — Part 2: Aerosol heated tobacco products (aHTPs) 烟草加热系统气溶胶产生和收集的定义和标准条件第2部分:气溶胶加热烟草制品
发布日期: 2024-05-24
本文件: —?定义参数并规定从气溶胶加热烟草产品(aHTP)中常规分析生成和收集气溶胶的标准条件; —?规定了用于aHTP产生和收集气溶胶的常规分析膨化机的技术要求,在本文件中称为“机器”,符合条款?中规定的标准条件?4; 本文件没有规定气溶胶捕获,也没有规定随后的样品制备和捕获的气溶胶或气相中成分的分析方法。 如果特定方法引用本文件,本文件也适用于3.15中定义的产品以外的产品。

This document:

     defines the parameters and specifies the standard conditions for the routine analytical generation and collection of aerosol from aerosol heated tobacco products (aHTP);

     specifies technical requirements for the routine analytical puffing machine for aHTP generation and collection of aerosol, termed as “machine” in this document, conforming with the standard conditions stated within Clause 4;

This document does not specify aerosol trapping nor subsequent sample preparation and analytical method of components in the trapped aerosol or the gas phase.

This document is also applicable to products other than those defined in 3.15 if a specific method references this document.

归口单位: ISO/TC 126