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现行 TO-2703(RP-264)
Use of Acoustic Intensity Measurements to Evaluate the Sampling Tube Method of Measuring In-Duct Fan Sound Power 使用声强测量评估管道风机声功率测量的采样管方法
A method using a single sampling tube for measuring the acoustic power radiated by a fan into a duct is described inASHRAE Standard 68-78. Some disagreement has been reported between such in-duct fan sound power results and those obtained for the sound power when the same fan is ducted into a reverberation room. Above cutoff frequency, the in-duct fan sound power results have been reported to be below the reverberation room results and this difference has been said to increase with frequency. To confirm these trends and to find possible correction factors, the sampling tube approach was compared with a new two-microphone intensity technique to determine the absolute fan sound power in a duct fitted with an anechoic termination. Recommendations are made for revision ofASHRAE Standard 68-78to include suitable correction factors.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类