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现行 IEC 60050-617:2009
International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 617: Organization/Market of electricity 国际电工词汇 - 第617部分:组织/电力市场
发布日期: 2009-03-24
由于电力市场放松管制,IEC 60050-617:2009已经发布,似乎有必要建立一个通用术语表,其中包含定义市场参与者、参与者之间的接口以及在电力市场背景下具有特定含义的技术或金融术语。本横向标准IEC 60050-617:2009主要供技术委员会根据IEC指南108中规定的原则编制标准时使用。技术委员会的职责之一是在适用的情况下,在编写其出版物时利用横向标准。除非相关出版物中特别提及或包含,否则本横向标准的内容将不适用。60050的含量-617将在www.electropedia.org上免费提供。Electropedia(也称为IEV Online)是世界上最全面的在线电气和电子术语数据库,包含20 000多个术语和定义。
IEC 60050-617:2009 has been published as a consequence of deregulation of the electricity market, it appeared necessary to establish a common glossary with those terms defining actors in the market, interface between actors and the technical or financial terms having a specific meaning in the context of electricity market. This horizontal standard IEC 60050-617:2009 is primarily intended for use by technical committees in the preparation of standards in accordance with the principles laid down in IEC Guide 108. One of the responsibilities of a technical committee is, wherever applicable, to make use of horizontal standards in the preparation of its publications. The contents of this horizontal standard will not apply unless specifically referred to or included in the relevant publications. The content of 60050-617 will be freely available at www.electropedia.org. Electropedia (also known as the IEV Online) is the world's most comprehensive online electrical and electronic terminology database containing more than 20 000 terms and definitions.
归口单位: TC 1