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现行 BS EN ISO 6246:2017+A1:2019
Petroleum products. Gum content of fuels. Jet evaporation method 石油产品 燃料中的胶质含量 喷射蒸发法
发布日期: 2019-11-08
警告——使用本文件可能涉及危险材料、操作和设备。本文件并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题。本文件的使用者有责任在应用本文件之前采取适当措施确保人员的安全和健康,并为此目的满足法律法规要求。本文件规定了测定航空燃料现有胶质含量和车用汽油或其他挥发性馏出物胶质含量的方法。它包括测定含有乙醇(体积分数高达85%)和醚类氧化物及沉积物控制添加剂的产品。 对于测定汽车乙醇(E85)燃料中的胶质含量,没有精确数据(见14.1)。 对于非航空燃料,庚烷的测定程序- 还描述了残留物的不溶性部分。警告——本方法不适用于汽油成分的测试,尤其是含有高百分比低沸点不饱和化合物的汽油成分,因为它们在蒸发过程中可能会引起爆炸。交叉引用:BS 2000ISO 4788ISO 3171ISO 3696ISO 4259ISO 3170ASTM E2251-14ASTM D381-12ASTM E29包含以下内容:修订,2019年11月
WARNING — The use of this document can involve hazardous materials, operations and equipment. This document does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of users of this document to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety and health of personnel prior to application of the document, and fulfil statutory and regulatory requirements for this purpose.This document specifies a method for determining the existent gum content of aviation fuels and the gum content of motor gasoline or other volatile distillates. It includes the determination of products containing ethanol (up to a volume fraction of 85 %) and ether-type oxygenates and deposit control additives. For determination of gum content in automotive ethanol (E85) fuel, no precision data is available (see 14.1). For non-aviation fuels, a procedure for the determination of the heptane-insoluble portion of the residue is also described.CAUTION — This method is not intended for the testing of gasoline components, particularly those with a high percentage of low-boiling unsaturated compounds, as they can cause explosions during evaporation.Cross References:BS 2000ISO 4788ISO 3171ISO 3696ISO 4259ISO 3170ASTM E2251 - 14ASTM D381 - 12ASTM E29Incorporates the following:Amendment, November 2019
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会