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现行 ISO 17872:2019
Paints and varnishes — Guidelines for the introduction of scribe marks through coatings on metallic panels for corrosion testing 油漆和清漆 - 通过涂层在金属板上进行腐蚀测试的指导方针
发布日期: 2019-08-09
本文件描述了在干膜厚度小于500μm的情况下对涂层钢或试件进行腐蚀试验的划线方法。本文件仅作为指南,基于协作试验的结果,未进行后续腐蚀试验,以确定引入划线标记对此类试验的适用性。 本文件涵盖了由以下材料制成的金属板或试件(经化学处理或未经化学处理)的划线: -钢铁; -镀锌钢; -铝合金; -镁合金。 它不包括电镀金属或复合铝板的划线。
This document describes methods of scribing coated steel or test-pieces for corrosion tests, where the coating system is applied at dry film thicknesses of less than 500 μm. It is intended as a guideline only, being based on the results of a collaborative trial with no subsequent corrosion testing having been carried out to determine the suitability of the introduced scribe marks for such tests. This document covers the scribing of metallic panels or test pieces (chemically treated or not) made from: — steel; — galvanized steel; — aluminium alloys; — magnesium alloys. It does not cover the scribing of electroplated metal or clad aluminium panels.
归口单位: ISO/TC 35/SC 9