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现行 DA-13-C027
The Role of Optimization in the Design and Operation of Building Control Systems 优化在楼宇控制系统设计和运行中的作用
当应用于不同的问题和应用时,优化具有许多意义,从特殊的参数变化到高性能的数值分析。一个备受关注的领域是建筑设计和运行的优化,通常涉及能源使用、热性能或乘员舒适性的某些方面。建筑控制系统可以对这些性能特征做出重要贡献,是应用优化技术的主要候选系统。 本文讨论了优化在建筑控制系统设计中的作用,并根据项目的需求和目标概述了有助于提高性能的方法和途径。文中给出了两个例子来说明方法和结果。引用:德克萨斯州达拉斯ASHRAE会议论文。
Optimization can take on many meanings when applied to different problems and applications, ranging from ad hoc parameter variation to high-powered numerical analysis. One area that has received a significant amount of attention is the optimization of building design and operation, usually regarding certain aspects of energy usage, thermal performance or occupant comfort. Building control systems can have an important contribution to these performance characteristics, and are prime candidates for application of optimization techniques. This paper discusses the role of optimization in the design of building control systems, and outlines approaches and methods which can be useful for improving performance based on the needs and goals of the project. Two examples are presented to illustrate the methods and results.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类