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现行 TAPPI TIP 0416-22
Guidelines for operating and maintenance practices impacting an economizer on a recovery boiler 影响回收锅炉省煤器的操作和维护实践指南
发布日期: 2009-01-01
安装在回收锅炉上的省煤器是造成管道泄漏最多的部件 这导致了制浆造纸行业的产量损失。本技术信息文件基于 AF&PA回收锅炉委员会发起的综合研究(1)。该报告的一个缩略部分被删除了 在2006年的TAPPI会议上发表(2)。该研究确定了省煤器管损坏的主要原因: 应力或疲劳裂纹、劣质焊缝、内外腐蚀和变薄,以及机械设计。这个 故障机制的知识被应用于关联操作和维护实践,从而有助于 然后将其应用于省煤器故障事件的审查,以寻求实践的确认 不利于省煤器的完整性。这些指南是这些分析的总结。
The economizer installed on a recovery boiler is the component responsible for the greatest number of tube leaks that result in lost production for the pulp and paper industry. This technical information paper is based on a comprehensive study initiated by the AF&PA Recovery Boiler Committee (1). A condensation of the report was presented at a TAPPI Conference in 2006 (2). The study determined primary causes of economizer tube damage are stress or fatigue cracks, poor quality welds, internal and external corrosion and thinning, and mechanical design. The knowledge of failure mechanisms was applied to relate operating and maintenance practices that could contribute to failures and then apply these in a review of economizer failure incidents to seek confirmation of practices detrimental to economizer integrity. These guidelines are a summary of those analyses.