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现行 ASTM F2161-21
Standard Guide for Instrument and Precision Bearing Lubricants—Part 1 Oils 仪器和精密轴承润滑剂标准指南 - 第1部分油
发布日期: 2021-01-15
1.1 本指南是一种帮助选择精密滚动轴承应用油的工具。本指南应在两个方面产生最大影响:( 1. )当为新轴承应用选择润滑剂时( 2. )当由于无法再获得轴承规定的原始润滑剂而必须更换轴承润滑剂时。报告(第节) 5. )包含同一实验室对轴承应用中常用的各种油进行的一系列测试,以比较委员会认为在选择润滑剂时最重要的油的性能。 本指南包含按化学类型(即酯、硅酮等)列出的油特性。这种组织是必要的,因为特定轴承应用中的操作要求可能会由于其温度稳定性、粘度指数或温度蒸汽压特性等限制对特定化学类型润滑剂的选择。该报告包括本研究中所含油的测试结果。该报告建议对不再可用的测试油更换润滑剂。 该报告还包括用于描述/讨论精密轴承和仪表轴承润滑的术语表。本报告讨论了应用于滚动轴承的弹流润滑。 1.2 尽管已经发布了其他润滑剂性能概要,例如巴登产品标准润滑剂 2. 和 美国宇航局航天工业润滑手册 3. 目前,还没有人将注意力集中在精密滚动轴承(PREB)中常用的润滑剂上。 PREB对润滑剂提出了许多独特的要求。润滑剂必须在高温和低温下工作。润滑剂必须提供数月(如果不是数年)的润滑,无需补充。润滑剂必须能够承受高负载,但其粘性不能太大,以至于在极高速度或低温下,或两者兼而有之时,会干扰轴承的运行。在轴承低速或间歇运行期间,润滑剂必须提供边界润滑。而且,在许多应用中,其蒸汽压必须足够低,在操作条件下,蒸发损失不会导致润滑剂耗尽或污染附近的部件。 这些和其他考虑因素决定了对本研究中包括的每种润滑剂进行的一系列测试。 1.3 本研究包含了另一个重要考虑因素。几乎所有的测试都是由同一个实验室进行的,即位于德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥的西南研究所石油产品研究部,使用ASTM程序。通过避免不同实验室使用不同甚至“相同”程序测试润滑剂时引入的一些可变性,这种测试的连续性应为比较测试的多种润滑剂的性能奠定坚实的基础。 1.4 应注意,未进行功能测试(即轴承测试)。四球磨损试验的结果对该试验条件下油的润滑性能进行了一些比较,“优值”。但经验表明,测试运行轴承中的润滑剂是确定润滑剂性能的最佳方法。 1.5 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 4.1 本指南旨在报告精密滚动轴承(PREB)的测试、讨论和比较性能,并为选择润滑剂提供指南。就本指南而言,PREB包括ABEC 5及以上质量的轴承。本指南将其范围限制为PREB中使用的润滑油,并将遵循类似文件,以涵盖PREB中使用的润滑脂。 4.2 从20世纪40年代初到90年代中期,PREB中使用的润滑油(包括润滑油和润滑脂)数量急剧增加。 在这一时期初期,石油产品是唯一广泛可用的基础库存。后来,合成润滑剂变得可用,包括合成碳氢化合物、酯、硅酮和氟化材料,包括全氟醚和氟硅酮。这种广泛的润滑剂选择导致在PREB应用中使用了大量不同的润滑剂。美国国防部作为许多PREB的用户,已经看到支持这些物品的采购和分销所需的后勤工作显著增加。 此外,随着时间的推移,某些PREB中使用的一些润滑剂不再可用。SRG系列、LSO-26和Teresso V-78就是此类润滑剂的示例。这意味着,在这个延长国防部资产寿命的时代,替换零件的库存将耗尽,因此必须找到替换润滑剂。 4.3 本研究的主要目标之一是对PREB中使用的润滑剂进行广泛的测试,并对其进行一系列全面的测试,以便对其性能进行比较,并在必要时确定潜在的替代润滑剂。 本研究还旨在为PREB应用选择润滑剂提供设计指南。本指南代表了该社区许多成员的共同努力,他们跨越了轴承制造商、原始设备制造商(OEM)、润滑油制造商和供应商、采购专家、国防部质量保证代表(QAR)以及国防部内外的最终用户。
1.1 This guide is a tool to aid in the choice of an oil for precision rolling element bearing applications. There are two areas where this guide should have the greatest impact: ( 1 ) when a lubricant is being chosen for a new bearing application and ( 2 ) when a lubricant for a bearing has to be replaced because the original lubricant specified for the bearing can no longer be obtained. The Report (Section 5 ) contains a series of tests performed by the same laboratory on a wide variety of oils commonly used in bearing applications to allow comparisons of those properties of the oil that the committee thought to be most important when making a choice of lubricant. This guide contains a listing of the properties of oils by chemical type, that is, ester, silicone, and so forth. This organization is necessary since the operational requirements in a particular bearing application may limit the choice of lubricant to a particular chemical type due to its temperature stability, viscosity index or temperature-vapor pressure characteristics, and so forth. The Report includes the results of tests on the oils included in this study. The Report recommends replacement lubricants for those oils tested that are no longer available. The Report also includes a glossary of terms used in describing/discussing the lubrication of precision and instrument bearings. The Report presents a discussion of elastohydrodynamic lubrication as applied to rolling element bearings. 1.2 Although other compendia of lubricant properties have been published, for example, the Barden Product Standard, Lubricants 2 and the NASA Lubricant Handbook for the Space Industry 3 , none have centered their attention on lubricants commonly used in precision rolling element bearings (PREB). The PREB put a host of unique requirements upon a lubricant. The lubricant must operate at both high and low temperatures. The lubricant must provide lubrication for months, if not years, without replenishment. The lubricant must be able to support high loads but cannot be so viscous that it will interfere with the operation of the bearing at very high speeds or low temperatures, or both. The lubricant must provide boundary lubrication during low-speed or intermittent operation of the bearing. And, in many applications, its vapor pressure must be low enough under operating conditions that evaporative losses do not lead to lubricant depletion or contamination of nearby components. These and other considerations dictated the series of tests that were performed on each lubricant included in this study. 1.3 Another important consideration was encompassed in this study. Almost all of the testing was performed by the same laboratory, The Petroleum Products Research Department of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas, using ASTM procedures. This continuity of testing should form a solid basis for comparing the properties of the multitude of lubricants tested by avoiding some of the variability introduced when lubricants are tested by different laboratories using different or even the “same” procedures. 1.4 It should be noted that no functional tests (that is, bearing tests) were performed. The results of the four-ball wear test give some comparison, “a figure of merit,” of the lubrication properties of the oils under the condition of this test. But experience has shown that testing the lubricant in running bearings is the best means of determining lubricant performance. 1.5 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 4.1 The purpose of this guide is to report on the testing of, to discuss and compare the properties of, and to provide guidelines for the choice of lubricants for precision rolling element bearings (PREB). The PREB are, for the purposes of this guide, meant to include bearings of ABEC 5 quality and above. This guide limits its scope to oils used in PREB and is to be followed by a similar document to encompass greases used in PREB. 4.2 The number of lubricants, both oils and greases, used in PREB increased dramatically from the early 1940s to the mid 1990s. In the beginning of this period, petroleum products were the only widely available base stocks. Later, synthetic lubricants became available including synthetic hydrocarbons, esters, silicones, and fluorinated materials, including perfluorinated ethers and the fluorosilicones. This broad spectrum of lubricant choices has led to the use of a large number of different lubricants in PREB applications. The U.S. Department of Defense, as a user of many PREB, has seen a significant increase in the logistics effort required to support the procurement and distribution of these items. In addition, as time has passed some of the lubricants used in certain PREB are no longer available. The SRG Series, LSO-26, and Teresso V-78 are examples of such lubricants. This implies that replacement lubricants must be found as, in this era of extending the lifetime of DoD assets, stockpiles of replacement parts become depleted. 4.3 One of the primary goals of this study was to take a broad spectrum of the lubricants used in PREB and do a comprehensive series of tests on them in order that their properties could be compared and, if necessary, potential replacement lubricants identified. This study is also meant to be a design guide for choosing lubricants for PREB applications. This guide represents a collective effort of many members of this community who span the spectrum from bearing manufacturers, original equipment manufactures (OEMs), lubricant manufacturers and suppliers, procurement specialists, and quality assurance representatives (QARs) from DoD and end users both inside and outside DoD.
归口单位: F34.02