Hot finished steel structural hollow sections-Technical delivery conditions for high strength and weather resistant steels
BS EN 10210-3:2020规定了圆形、方形、矩形或椭圆形高强度和耐候热加工无缝、电焊和埋弧焊钢结构空心型材的交货技术条件。它适用于热成型的空心型材,有或没有后续热处理,或冷成型的空心型材,后续热处理温度高于580°C,以获得与热成型产品相同的机械性能。购买本文件时可获得的所有当前修订均包含在购买本文件中。
BS EN 10210-3:2020 specifies technical delivery conditions for high strength and weather resistant hot-finished seamless, electric welded and submerged arc welded steel structural hollow sections of circular, square, rectangular or elliptical forms.It applies to hollow sections formed hot, with or without subsequent heat treatment, or formed cold with subsequent heat treatment above 580 °C to obtain equivalent mechanical properties to those obtained in the hot formed product.All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.