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现行 AWWA ACE61732
Fast-Reacting Chlorinated Disinfection Byproduct Precursors 快速反应氯化消毒副产物前体
发布日期: 2005-06-17
六种混凝剂的氯化反应形成了相对较高的三卤甲烷(THM)和卤乙酸(HAA)浓度 在最初几个小时内处理过的水,其中35-45%的5天TTHM形成 42-53%的5天HAA5形成时间为4小时。对于给定的净化水 氯需求不是短期和长期TTHM和DXAA的良好指标 尽管5天的产量始终高于1天的产量,但 在短期和长期内,每消耗一毫克氯形成的TXA是相同的。 强化混凝的水的总有机碳(TOC)值小于4 mg/L,TSUVA值为2 当CT值小于850 mg min/L时,在4小时内以Cl2:TOC剂量进行氯化 在1.5 mg/mg、20ºC、pH 8.0和Br-:TOC比小于21µg/mg的条件下,形成TTHM和HAA5 队形比MCL少。包括10个参考文献、表格和图表。
Relatively high trihalomethane (THM) and haloacetic acid (HAA) concentrations were formed from chlorination of six coagulated treated waters during the first couple of hours, where 35-45% of the 5 day TTHM formation and 42-53% of the 5 day HAA5 formation were formed at 4 hours. For a given treated water the chlorine demand was not a good indicator of short- and long-term TTHM and DXAA formations, though the 5-day yields were consistently higher than the 1-day yields, where as the TXAAs formed per mg of chlorine consumed was the same for short- and long-term periods. Waters that were enhanced coagulated to a total organic carbon (TOC) value less than 4 mg/L and TSUVA value of 2 L/mg-m and chlorinated for CT values less than 850 mg-min/L within 4 hours at a Cl2:TOC dose of 1.5 mg/mg, 20ºC, pH 8.0 and a Br-:TOC ratio less than 21 µg/mg, formed TTHM and HAA5 formations less than the MCLs. Includes 10 references, tables, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会