This powerpoint presentation presents a corrosion control program by a water system located in Southern California in the southwest
portion of Los Angeles County.
The goals of this program are:
reduce the corrosion rate of unlined steel
and cast iron pipes;
increase total chlorine residual in the
distribution system; control nitrification and biofilm accumulation
within distribution system pipes; increase system hydraulic capacity; and,
improve water meter accuracy and
performance. The system's first response to minimize these water
quality problems was the
implementation of a comprehensive
flushing program. The results included:
established representative sample locations in the
distribution system and collected background data; and,
collect over 10 different parameters on a daily,
weekly and monthly basis. The main parameters presented here include:
Total Chlorine Residual;
Heterotrophic Plate Count;
Customer Complaints;
Time Spent Flushing; and,
Water Loss Through Flushing. Includes tables, figures.