Nuclear power plants. Instrumentation, control and electrical power systems. Requirements for static uninterruptible DC and AC power supply systems
核电站 仪表、控制和电力系统 静态不间断直流和交流电源系统的要求
This document specifies the performance and the functional characteristics of the low voltage static uninterruptible power supply (SUPS) systems in a nuclear power plant and, for applicable parts, in general for nuclear facilities. An uninterruptible power supply is an electrical equipment which draws electrical energy from a source, stores it and maintains supply in a specified form by means inside the equipment to output terminals. A static uninterruptible power supply (SUPS) has no rotating parts to perform its functions.
The specific design requirements for the components of the power supply system are covered by IEC standards and standards listed in the normative references and are otherwise outside the scope of this document.Cross References:IEC 62003IEEE 60780-323EN 62566HD 60364-4-41+A12:2019EN IEC 60709EN 60780-323EN 60146-2IEC 61508 (all parts)EN IEC 62138IEC 62040 (all parts)IEC 61000 (all parts)EN 60038HD 60364-4-41EN 61000-1EN 61508IEC 60980EN IEC 62040EN 60880IEC 60038IEC 62138EN 60146-1-1IEC 60709IEC 62566IEC 61513IEC 60880IEC 60146-1-1IEC 62566-2IEC 60146-2IEC 60364-4-41EN 61513HD 60364-4-41+A11:2017EN 61226IAEA NG-T-3.8IEC 60964IEC 60479 (all parts)IEEE Std 946-2004IAEA 91EN 50272-2IEC 61000-6-4IAEA TECDOC 1770EN IEC 60964EN IEC 61000-6-2IAEA SSG-34IEC 60364 (all parts)IEC 61226IEC 61000-6-2IAEA SSG-39IEC 62040-31IEC 62855EN 62340IEC 62340IEC 63046IEC 62671EN IEC 61000-6-4EN 62040-3Incorporates the following:Corrigendum, April 2020