Space data and information transfer systems — Tracking data message
ISO 13526:2010规定了在空间机构之间交换航天器跟踪数据时使用的标准消息格式。这种交换用于分发常规机构间交叉支持输出的跟踪数据,其中一个机构管理的航天器任务由另一个机构管理的地面站跟踪。跟踪数据格式的标准化有助于航天局将跟踪会议分配给其他跟踪资源。
ISO 13526:2010包括消息格式设计要满足的要求和标准。
ISO 13526:2010 specifies a standard message format for use in exchanging spacecraft tracking data between space agencies. Such exchanges are used for distributing tracking data output from routine interagency cross-supports, in which spacecraft missions managed by one agency are tracked from a ground station managed by a second agency. The standardization of tracking data formats facilitates space agency allocation of tracking sessions to alternate tracking resources.
ISO 13526:2010 includes requirements and criteria that the message format has been designed to meet. For exchanges where these requirements do not capture the needs of the participating agencies, another mechanism can be selected.