Rigid cellular plastics — Spray-applied polyurethane foam for thermal insulation — Part 2: Application
ISO 8873-2:2007概述了用于隔热的硬质泡沫塑料喷涂聚氨酯泡沫的应用要求。这种材料的主要用途是隔热。喷涂聚氨酯泡沫塑料也可用作空气屏障材料,构成建筑物中空气屏障组件的一部分。在特定应用条件下,该材料可用于建筑组件中的蒸汽屏障应用(条件详情可从制造商处获得)。应用要求适用于喷涂聚氨酯泡沫的安装,无论是在建筑工地还是在预制(制造)设施中使用。
经供应商和买方同意,ISO 8873-2:2007可用于非建筑应用。
ISO 8873-2:2007 outlines requirements for the application of rigid cellular plastic spray polyurethane foam for thermal insulation. The primary application of the material is for use as thermal insulation. Spray polyurethane foam can also be used as the air barrier material which forms part of an air barrier assembly in buildings. Under specific application conditions, the material can be used in vapour barrier applications in a building assembly (details of the conditions can be obtained from the manufacturer). The application requirements are for the installation of spray polyurethane foam whether applied on a building site or in a prefabrication (manufacturing) facility.
ISO 8873-2:2007 can be used for non-building applications when agreed to by the supplier and the purchaser.
The requirements include obligations for the manufacturer, the contractor and the installer. The requirements include the selection of chemical components, application requirements, quality control and documentation of the application, limitations for the application and requirements for safety and for disposal of associated waste material and packaging.