Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Methods for chemical analysis of fine silicon nitride powders
精细陶瓷(先进陶瓷 先进技术陶瓷) 氮化硅微粉的化学分析方法
ISO 17947:2014规定了用作精细陶瓷原料的精细氮化硅粉末的化学分析方法。规定了精细氮化硅粉末中总硅、总氮、铝、铁、钙、氧、碳、氟和氯的测定方法。
This document specifies the methods for the chemical analysis of fine silicon nitride powders used as the raw material for fine ceramics. It stipulates the determination methods of total silicon, total nitrogen, aluminium, iron, calcium, oxygen, carbon, fluorine, and chlorine in fine silicon nitride powders.