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现行 EN 13102:2005+A1:2008
Ceramic machines - Safety - Loading and unloading of fine clay tiles 陶瓷机械 - 安全 - 细粘土砖的装卸
发布日期: 2008-11-12
实施日期: 2008-11-12
本欧洲标准适用于: - 用于在固定或可移动支撑上固定或移动支架上堆放或开挖烧结或未烧结的细粘土墙砖和地砖的机器(见图A.1); - 用于装载或卸载被烧或未烧结的细粘土墙砖和地板砖进入/从容器的机器(见图A.2和A.4); - 用于在堆叠框架上装载或卸载被烧或未烧结的细粘土墙砖和地砖的机器(见图A.3)。 1.2本欧洲标准涉及与陶瓷机器相关的重要危害,危险情况和事件,用于装载和卸载细小的瓷砖,按照预期使用和在制造商合理预见的误用条件下使用(见第4条)。本欧洲标准不处理噪音。本标准涉及采取预防措施,尽量减少由于调试,维护和维护而产生的危险。 1.3与本标准的交付系统的接口与本标准的交付系统相关,不属于所有可能的例子(参见例如5.6.4,5.6.7)。 1.4本欧洲标准不适用于: - 用于设置和拆开裂缝瓦和屋顶瓦的机器; - 辅助机械如真空发生器。 1.5这个欧洲街
This European Standard applies to: - machines for stacking or dehacking fired or unfired fine clay wall tiles and floor tiles on/from fixed or movable supports (see Figure A.1); - machines for loading or unloading fired or unfired fine clay wall tiles and floor tiles into/from containers (see Figures A.2 and A.4); - machines for loading or unloading fired or unfired fine clay wall tiles and floor tiles on/from stackable frames (see Figure A.3). 1.2 This European Standard deals with the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to ceramic machines for loading and unloading of fine clay tiles, when they are used as intended and under the conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4). This European Standard does not deal with noise. This standard deals with the preventive measures to minimise these hazards arising from the commissioning, the operation and maintenance. 1.3 The interface with the transport system for stacks, containers is covered by this European Standard for some examples not for all possibilities (see e.g. 5.6.4, 5.6.7). 1.4 This European Standard is not applicable to: - machines for setting and dehacking of split tiles and roof tiles; - auxiliary machinery such as vacuum generators. 1.5 This European Standard is not applicable to machines, which are manufactured before the date of publication of this European Standard by CEN.
归口单位: CEN/TC 151-