BS EN 62779-3:2016 defines a functional type of a semiconductor interface for
human body communication (HBC). An interface for HBC includes an electrode that is
physical structure to transmit a data signal to the human body or receive a transmitted data
signal from the body. An electrode directly contacts with the human body in many cases, but it
cannot maintain the contact condition when an object, such as clothes, exists between the
interface and the body or a near field communication is required; hence, depending on the
contact condition, an interface for HBC can be categorized into a contact and non-contact
type as shown in Figure 1. This part includes the categorization of the interface for HBC
according to the contact condition; and performance parameters characterizing the interface
of each category.Cross References:IEC 60748-4:1997IEC 62779IEEE 802.15.6:2012EN 62779All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.