Soil quality. Gas chromatographic determination of the content of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons, naphthalene and volatile halogenated hydrocarbons. Purge-and-trap method with thermal desorption
土壤质量 气相色谱法测定挥发性芳香烃、萘和挥发性卤代烃的含量 热脱附吹扫捕集法
BS EN ISO 15009:2016规定了定量气相色谱法测定
应用(以干物质为基础表示):使用GC-FID时的典型定量限:挥发性芳香烃:0.1 mg/kg使用GC-ECD时的典型定量限:挥发性卤代烃:0.01 mg/kg某些化合物的定量下限可通过使用质谱(MS)实现
选择离子检测。本ISO购买时,ISO 1036581的所有ISO修订版均包含在ISO 1035481中。
BS EN ISO 15009:2016 specifies a method for quantitative gas-chromatographic determination of
volatile aromatic hydrocarbons, naphthalene and volatile halogenated hydrocarbons in soil.This International Standard is applicable to all types of soil.NOTE In the case of unsaturated peaty soils, absorption of the extraction solution may occur.The lower limit of quantification is dependent on the equipment used and the quality of the methanol
grade used for the extraction of the soil sample.Under the conditions specified in this International Standard the following limits of quantification
apply (expressed on basis of dry matter):Typical limit of quantification when using GC-FID:Volatile aromatic hydrocarbons: 0,1 mg/kgTypical limit of quantification when using GC-ECD:Volatile halogenated hydrocarbons: 0,01 mg/kgLower limits of quantification for some compounds can be achieved by using mass spectrometry (MS)
with selected ion detection.Cross References:ISO 4799ISO 10381-1ISO 10381-2ISO 10381-5ISO 11465ISO 15680ISO 18512ISO 22892All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.