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现行 ISO/IEC TS 20000-5:2022
Information technology - Service management - Part 5: Implementation guidance for ISO/IEC 20000-1 信息技术服务管理第5部分:ISO/IEC 20000-1实施指南
发布日期: 2022-01-13
ISO/IEC TS 20000-5:20 22本文件为组织如何实施服务管理系统(SMS)提供了指导。组织可以使用本文档来实施整个SMS,以符合ISO/IEC 20000-1中规定的要求,或针对选定的要求子集实施部分SMS。本文档说明了管理SMS实施活动的通用计划。 本文件的预期用户为: a)在如何实施SMS方面需要支持的组织; b)在SMS实施期间支持组织的顾问和顾问。 本文件可与ISO/IEC 20000系列的其他部分一起使用。
ISO/IEC TS 20000-5:2022 This document provides guidance for organizations on how to implement a service management system (SMS). Organizations can use this document to implement the entire SMS in order to conform to the requirements specified in ISO/IEC 20000-1, or parts of an SMS for a selected subset of requirements. This document illustrates a generic plan to manage implementation activities for an SMS.
The intended users of this document are:
a) organizations that require support on how to implement an SMS;
b) consultants and advisors who support an organization during SMS implementation.
This document can be used together with the other parts of ISO/IEC 20000 series.
归口单位: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 40