BS ISO 7503-2:2016 is addressed to the people responsible for measuring the
radioactivity present on solid surfaces.This part of ISO 7503 applies to the evaluation of contamination on surfaces in terms of activity per unit
area by an indirect method of measurement.This part of ISO 7503 is applicable to well-defined surfaces, such as those of equipment and facilities,
containers of radioactive materials, sealed sources and buildings or land.This part of ISO 7503 can be used for laboratory and equipment/installation control and for remediation
and monitoring activities to comply with release criteria.This part of ISO 7503 also refers to institutions/authorities controlling nuclear material transports
or material/equipment clearance according to national legislation guideline values or international
convention limits.This part of ISO 7503 does not apply to contamination of the skin, clothing or loose material, such as gravel.NOTE Direct evaluation of surface contamination from alpha-emitters, beta-emitters and photon emitters is
dealt with in ISO 7503-1. The calibration of instruments for the evaluation of radioactive surface contaminations
is dealt with in ISO 7503-3.Cross References:ISO 8769ISO 9698ISO 11929ISO 18589-2ISO/IEC 17025IEC 60325ISO 31-0ISO 31-9All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.