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现行 ISO 21902:2021
Tourism and related services — Accessible tourism for all — Requirements and recommendations 旅游和相关服务 - 全民无障碍旅游 - 要求和建议
发布日期: 2021-07-06
本文件规定了“人人都能享受无障碍旅游”的要求,并提供了指南,旨在确保所有年龄和能力的人都能平等享受旅游业。 本文件提供了有关政策制定、战略、基础设施、产品和服务的关键方面的信息,面向参与旅游供应链的所有利益相关者,无论是来自公共部门还是私营部门。它适用于地方、区域、国家和国际各级。 注:利益相关者包括但不限于公共管理、住宿服务、餐饮服务、交通、旅行社和旅行社、MICE和休闲活动,以及与旅游、旅行和目的地管理相关的其他经济部门的服务提供商,包括其承包商和供应商。
This document establishes requirements and provides guidelines for “accessible tourism for all” with the aim of ensuring equal access and enjoyment of tourism by the widest range of people of all ages and abilities. This document provides information on the key aspects of policy making, strategy, infrastructure, products and services and is addressed to all stakeholders involved in the tourism supply chain, whether from the public or private sector. It applies at local, regional, national and international levels. NOTE       Stakeholders include, but are not limited to, public administrations, accommodation services, catering and restaurant services, transport, tour operators and travel agencies, MICE and leisure activities, as well as service providers from other economic sectors related to tourism, travel and destination management, including their contractors and suppliers.
发布单位或类别: 国际组织-国际标准化组织
归口单位: ISO/TC 228